
The following universal prayer for the wellbeing of not only human beings, but each & every creature which exists; is our mission, by heart. Our ‘Vision’ is our ‘Passion’.
ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः ।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् ।
May All become Happy, May All be Free from Illness. May All See what is Auspicious, May no one Suffer.

Earning through any means AND earning through value-based product/concept, which is well-benefitting to the complete human kind; are two totally different aspects. The later has always been superior to the former one. ‘Subha-Labha’; the auspicious (Subha) Profit (Labha) is recommendable in all cultures, unanimously. Here, to make the well-doers to acquire wealth, whilst sharing the wellness among their societies; is our vision.

It emphasises that the act of ‘wellness’ is to be done. It’s worth doing. Doing wellness is well-do. Therefore, we call: our society people, who wish for wellness as ‘Well-Wishers; our society people opt for the wellness services through AumsWow, as ‘Well-Seekers’ and our community, where people are doing the wellness endeavour, as ‘Well-Doers’ Well-to-do also represents the richness and prosperity of the everything, we own.

The word sharing is known to almost everyone in the context where we are using it. Correct! it’s the same sharing as you thought about i.e. sharing the shareable idea/concept or substance among your friend circle, including
the social media etc.
Today in the age of e-societies, the Sharing has the immense revolutionary power, spreading the well-ness is much easier than ever before.