ANMOL Training by Deeksha

Deeksha, as thought is not merely the name in general too but, a complete process. It is described like this, “When the mind of the disciple (here the well-doer) connects to the mind of the guru (here mentor); and When the mind of the guru and the disciple become one (unidirectional, here well doing); that is Deeksha. It also means to go for must-to-have practical training as well, besides having the theoretical-knowledge, thoroughly.
Deeksha is the wing of Aum Techmantra LLP (A sister-concern of AumsWow); and primarily responsible for the training of Well-Doers, especially about the tech-know-how and marketing of the in-house products of the ‘Aum Group’. It honours its tag line ‘Beyond education’ in all respects.
‘I listen, I forget; I see, I remember; I do, I understand; is the principal base of Deeksha. Here the training is focused on the practical aspects, strongly, besides the in-depth knowledge of the products, marketing and ethical practices.
Product Training

The principal product-training is induced by the well-trained tech-team. Besides the standard training, an additional advance training is also provided by the same technical team that develops the product itself. This makes the well-doers p. Perfect on the products.
Means of product training
- Demo: The demonstrations of products by the faculties to the well-doer-trainee in his own language, most of the times, to communicate better.
- Simulation: It is the model, where the well-doer-trainee demonstrates the product to his faculties and his own colleagues. This model is key to confidence.
- Use & Learn: The best-ever way to learn has been the doing it for yourself. Here, as every well-doer-trainee is the user of the product itself and hence, Deekshit (the trained) practically.

For most of the people, ‘Selling’ has been the objective of the marketing. But, Deeksha says, “Don’t sell; just tell”. It has been ‘the telling rather than the selling’; and the telling that is up to mark of full satisfaction of the prospects.
Here sales-force does not mean to enforce the sales upon customers but, to just let them know the need, existence & full features of the products. More so, the prime objective of the well-doers is not to let the prospect not go in denial mode on account of misinformation or missing-information.
If the product is worth useful to the prospect, then only he should go for it; and right prospect would never ever deny for the right product of need or desire. But for that, the presentation, presenter and the present scenario should also be the right. Knowing & implementing all these need a behaviour-conditioning, which is called marketing training here.

There have been ‘n’ numbers of means & modes of promotions / marketing with different approaches. But the ultimate and that lasts for ever; has been the recommendation by the user, who is wowed with the product-using-experience.
Here the thesis of marketing-training revolves around the prime factor and that is, how to make the customers wowed with the products and to enable them to recommend it further to their fellow-beings. The recommending-action (like atomic chain reaction) is the fastest, but natural way of spreading / promoting any act, thought or product, world-wide.
Whether you are extrovert, an introvert or somewhere in-between, ANMOL (Aum Natural Marketing On-Line) is the Training for all of you; and that is within your comfort zone.
Like Minded; Work Alike

If you have an attitude to succeed with honesty, you could make hundreds of like-minded people to work with you. Your success would add the magnetic factor to your personality to attract more people to work with your league.
During the growing phase of your affiliation / entrepreneurship, you are supported at both ends by ANMOL (AumsWow Natural Marketing Online), the unique mode of promotion, which is specially designed, developed & deviced by AumsWow, and to be used by you.
The AumsWow Natural Marketing Online (ANMOL), is a mode of marketing the products/services in the most natural form. Here you are independent to decide when and at what pace, you intend to go. Whenever and whatever you decide to perform; AumsWow stands by you accordingly to make you grow, naturally.
ANMOL: The Ultimate

Aum Natural Marketing Online (ANMOL) is the amalgam of all existing (which are appropriately valuable also) marketing aspects & models.
A few of them are:
- Digital marketing
- Cloud marketing / online marketing
- Content marketing
- Affiliate marketing
- Call-to-action [CTA] marketing
- Promotional marketing
- Mass marketing
- Informational marketing
- Community marketing / Referral marketing
- Cause marketing
- Business to business [B2B] marketing
- Business to consumer [B2C] marketing
- Humanistic marketing
- Loyalty marketing
- Relationship marketing
- Scientific marketing
- Social media marketing
- Test-driven marketing
- User-generated marketing
- Video marketing