AumOLO (Customer Side) Features
Secured Access

As every customer who registers to be the user of AumOLO would have his Personalised Login and Password for the security reasons.
It means no one else can have the access to AumOLO account except the authorized one, if password protection is applied.
The Family App

Each & every family member of the customer do have some kind of daily needs. But all these needs are ultimately conveyed to a particular family member (who is family in-charge for daily needs); who in turn places the order with the retailer for delivery.
Most of the times, order of the item-needed, might be small but essential, is not being placed because of non-communication between the family members. Sometimes, the unnecessary-repeated-communication between the members for reminding the needs may create duplicity, mess and hassle.
Using AumOLO, all the family members of the customer could be clubbed on a single app ID. That means all or any number of family members could operate on a single app account and add items to cart or place orders for delivery.
This might sound a tiny feature, but in fact, It Brings the Family on the Same Page.

Hassle-free Ordering

Getting the Retailer’s phone busy, especially at certain hours of the day, is a normal scenario. Sometimes it becomes irritating as well when the retailer sounds in hurry and is not in position to entertain the customer properly on account of the shortage of time or work-pressure.
AumOLO not only facilities for smooth call-free-order but, also provides the detailed deep info of the product; like its Manufacturer, Brand, Variants, Price and Description etc. On the top of all, the presentation of the product through TV Commercial (Advertisement) is also available which is undoubtedly a crown-feature.
Optimized Home Screen

Besides, your (Retailer) profile, AumOLO, by utilizing AI (Artificial Intelligence), optimizes the needs, choices and favourite orders-categories of every individual customer of yours. Its helps you to serve him with most appropriate information about products of his interest. Optimised products TV Commercials, bunch of favourite brands and group of most utilized product-categories are displayed at the individual home screen itself to make it handy for the customer to make use of.
Means, no two-customer would have the similar look-alike home screens. Besides, randomly selected videos of different categories from the Show-Studio make the home screen alive and interactive, which are the good source of need-based-info.

New Orders Search

It is easy for mobile-savvy generation to operate mobile apps now. AumOLO is the easier one. “Make it simple, Dear” is the baseline of AumOLO. Even a newcomer can easily ‘surf & play’ on it and search items, conveniently.
One can find the product just by putting a few letters of the product-name in the Search Bar or can find it through Category and Sub Category wise. A list of items of a particular brand or company also could be queued up on a single tap.

Cart contains the needs (items) of the customer from where he can select all or any number of items to place order for delivery. Un-selected items do stay still in cart to be ordered in future. The orders placed would be delivered by the retailer soon; till then it could be seen in Pending Orders heading.
As soon as the retailer sends the items for delivery, a Notification would be received by the customer mentioning the Bill Amount and Time of Delivery. The customer could also see other details in Out for Delivery heading as well.

My Order History

The customers are at liberty to browse for their previous three-month orders through AumOLO in My Order History heading. The data could be drill-down Date-wise, Category-wise and Sub Category wise.
My Expenses Chart

Expenses should never be out of proportion to the earnings. Budgeting and controlling the expenses is the dream of every customer. But due to lack of time & resources and some other reasons, it remains a dream for most of them.
AumOLO gives a glimpse of actual spending through Pie Chart (Category-wise) and other reference tables which could prove to be a handy tool for their future budget-management etc.

Show Studio & Favourite Videos

Human-Beings are born with ‘Info-Hunger’; more they learn, more it grows. As on date, there is no other platform except AumOLO, to provide numerous genuine learning chapters / information in the video-form.
The range includes Recipes, Fashion, Cleaning, Beauty, Tips, Body Care, Baby Care……… More so, the favourite videos could be kept separate handy in Favourite Videos column.