Experience, Memory and Emotions

Experience is the combination of memories; and no memory is without tag. So we can say every memory is imprinted with emotions. A set of memories is the experience. You can not have a single memory without an emotion tagged upon it. So this is a relation between experience, memory and emotion. you cannot tell a single memory which is not attached to emotions. every memory has an emotion.

Memory is not negative or positive; it is tagged with an emotion only. For instance, Joy is an emotion and whenever you talk about it, you feel you are talking about the memory & experience but, in fact you are talking about the emotion itself. Emotions, further depend upon the situation. For example, a child is getting joy by selling balloons while another child is getting joy by buying the same. Here, if balloon is the source of joy, then why the boy selling them is joyful and if the money is the source of joy then, why the boy (buyer) is joyful by giving/leaving the money. The situation and the perception towards the situation do make it so.

Memories are the Roots of Experience.

“Do not think about elephant”, this sentence does not stop you thinking about elephant, rather forces you not only to think about it but, also to have the imagination of it in full; its pillar-like feet, the tree type trunk, big ears and its small tail etc. This is the experience of everyone that when someone is asked about to forget and not to think any thing special; it rather emphasised a bit or a lot more than before.

Forgetting the things, thought & acts of oneself or others is the autonomous phenomenon and is not by doing it intentionally. Forgetting is like losing one’s experience about some things or some incidences. Experience is neither negative nor positive; it is the experience, purely. As the previous day inherits today and today inherits the next day in turn; similarly, the experience inherits the capability of making the future plans, course of actions and our future relations within family, society, friend circles or business relationships, if used statistically. It is like using the surveys, researches or data base for making the strategy of any business to grow smoothly.

Memories are Mastering Your Life.

Whatever and wherever you are (virtually) in your life today, is because of your memory. Your conception, inception and perception are the ultimate extractions of your experience – the son of memory, obviously.

Better is your memory, better the experience will be; and hence, more accurately you can take the decisions of your life. These so-taken decisions (let these be for your business, family or for your friends) would be free from delays, dilemmas and disappointments, for sure.

Memories are the Master Key of Your Future.

Getting results, irrespective of its polarity (positivity or negativity), could be considered by-chance for the first time only. But, creating the same results out of the same factors, would be called your folly (in case of negative results) and your brilliance (in case of positive results) but, would never ever be called as by-chance.

If the detailed information of the previous day is analysed on the basis of the experiences then, determining the next day result would certainly be as simple as drawing the line to connect the dots.

In brief, “the nature & the feature” of any factor (may it be thing, thought or act) could forecast you your future, if experience is the tool.

Lack of Memories could be Disastrous.

The human brain has the natural limitations to store and recall the memories & experiences accurately, when required. And these limitations would make you a slave of the situations or circumstances, instead of commanding it, ultimately lands you into uncertain results; the results which could have been, as you thought or as you sought.

AumMERA – like a Memory-Chip to Your Brain.

AumsWow has developed the technology & the tools to not only sort out the problem of human memory but, to record the experiences and to manage the memorable data including feelings & emotions etc.

Yes! A smarter Software-App in your smart phone called AumMERA, is there to explore you the path for your right & rational judgements (and that is on the basis of your previous experience), which are more likely to be in line with your desires.

AumMERA would surely prove to be your true friend/mentor in your decision makings. No dealings would be rationally go wrong and the best ones would not be missed. No cheater or self-opportunist would be able to “use you”; on account of memory-limitations and also no relations would be torn apart because of instant-hasty-casual-steps.

May all the world be full of peace and be free from repeat-beats of wrongs.